La Classe

13 mai 20212 Min

One step forward, two steps back. What’s wrong with calorie counts on menus?

Mis à jour : 25 sept. 2023

What's good?

What is perfectly useful in the United States and Emirates and to what should we serve more attention in Food and Beverage departments all over France? An allergic person will not bear much time to reply: THE MENU CARD.

*Dairy *Nuts *Shellfish *Vegetarian *Alcohol – D., N., S., V., A... that’s not solely letters.

⁃ Do you have any allergies? - Remain a standard question. But if the menu card already contains all necessary signs, the client who considers restrictions feels much more comfortable with his choice. And when the waiter approaches, such client will already feel safer and demand extra explanations if needed.

What's wrong?

The UK government announced that restaurants, cafes and pubs will be forced to put calorie counts for the food they serve on menus. In the USA it’s hitherto a wide practice that many people don’t like.

This practice can be anxious, especially for those struggling with food disorder. Ordering in a restaurant encourages them to recover as they retain no access to manage of counting calories.

Maintaining “healthy” lifestyle leads to a panic when the tracker shows that you’ve had 1,500 extra calories. Counting helps to lose weight, but typically develops an eating disorder. An absolute nightmare in many cases starts with an innocent diet.

Eating out is luxurious, especially after Covid. People are searching for a various food, unique experience. Being forced to see calories are not what the client needs.

Vice Versa — consuming education can be helpful in schools. It’s excellent when parents explain about healthful food, art of dining, importance of eating balanced, etc. But many kids are enjoying Coca-Cola/Nuggets menu.

The problem with overweight should not be given out to restaurants, but to the early days Education. What restaurants can do, is to retain an access to the calorie information on demand. That can be an elegant solution.

And the latter point to mention here: at this time our society is struggling for inclusion. Putting calorie count on menus looks like a step back, not forward.

With every good wish,

La Classe team