La Classe

7 juil. 20192 Min

Social comparison — quest for authenticity. Individualisations of service

Each individual requires an individual approach. (Yes, here is a tautology)

This is the law of human psychology. We see ourselves in a much more favorable light and in La Classe we propose to use this knowledge about self-perception for the good of our customers to gain repeat business.

How many men and women are confident that their attractiveness is higher than the average?

How many travelers are confident that their travel motivation is different from the one of a typical tourist, an average tourist? Their travel motivation is about what they judge to be good reasons for travelling.

We value our personal efforts always higher and put our experience above other tourist experience.

There are tendencies to dissociate oneself from other tourists relate to the desire to position own characteristics in a positive light. We are all different and we view ourselves more favorably than others. And we judge own attitudes to be in line with what seems desirable.

Implications for this knowledge is to be discussed during the class ant there a lot of studies that prove this statement in Hospitality. For example, in the article “Comparison between own and others’ travel motives” authors have shown within an experiment that contrasting own leisure activities to those of others can help tourists to position themselves in a morally superior manner. What else do our VIP need? And most of tourists perceived themselves as no typical tourists.

Study also showed that people perceive themselves (compared to other tourists) as being more motivated by travel motives that are viewed as desirable and less motivated by travel motives that are viewed as undesirable.

Social comparison is a vital part of human functioning that helps us to make sense of ourselves along with the social world we live in. That’s people’s quest for authenticity.

Service should indeed be more individualistic and less group-oriented. Like this customer can feel this respect differed from other tourists.

In my practice, I sometimes see different examples. Once, a lady who works as a receptionist told me after the class “Russian client welcoming”: Dear Anastasia, thank you! I was told to recognize customer straight away and if possible tell him “hello” in this language, but I could never think that Russians don’t like to be recognized as Russians straight away!

And that’s the point. In La Classe we believe into psychological processes. We believe in cross-cultural awareness as the key to understanding of the tourist experience. Because language, upon dearest Mr. Chomsky is the means of thinking, not communication. But about this I will write in the next article. In the meantime, we have something to ponder.

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