Mister Justin Highman (Monaco Economic Board), Mr. Michel Dotta, Mr. Philippe Prette (APM Monaco), Mr. Daniel Concas (Monaco Relocation), Mr. Aubery Audion (Richard Mille Monaco), Mr. Serge Ossipenko (Universus), Mr. Olivier Barelli (MEB), Mr. Bruno Dumitrescu (Bank Julius Baer), Mr. Olivier Labedan (Gramaglia), Mr. Eric Villalonga (Monaco Green Energy), Mr. Laurent Chagnard (Serenite Luxury Monaco), Mr. Sasha Kunkel (Algiz Monaco), Mr. Mario Pagano (BSI Monaco), Mme Nancy Dotta-Van Tendeloo (Christie’s), Mr. Joham Rozewicz (Manufacture de Monaco) — Our trip to Azerbaijan was really a teamwork and La Classe Monaco is happy to be a part of this team #monacolaclasse #savoirvivre #monaco #monacolife #education #majordome #butleruniversity #formation #yachtclub #interiortraining #yachtcrew #bestcrew #hospitality #fivestar #crewtraining #study #juliusbaer #apmmonaco #richardmille #chrisries #sereniteluxurymonaco #monacogreenenergy #monacolaclasse #bsimonaco #monacoeconomicboard #manufacturedemonaco #service #housekeeping #artdelatable #hotel
